
Monday, January 05, 2009

Buy Nothing New Year

Some friends of mine on another site are trying a Buy Nothing New Year (BNN). The idea behind this is you, well, buy nothing new except consumeables like food, of course, and toiletries, of course, and things like underwear that one just really can't buy used.

The main point of BNN, however, is not to just shift your buying to used things, but to force yourself to really think and slow down before making purchases, rather than impulse bying. The time it takes to locate a used item is time to rethink whether you need the item at all, or whether you might have something at home already that could fulfill the need, or can make something, or can do without the item all together.

I'm not sure that I'll make it a whole year, but I am hoping that the attempt at least for a month or two will help me solve this crazy shopping issue I have.

I am hoping that I will no longer struggle with an overage of stuff, constant trips to the thrift shop, and too many bills. Bill-wise, I am hoping to continue the goal I've had to put my entire paycheck into the savings account and pay expenses out of just my husband's check. I've been doing it for three months already, and I barely noticed that my time was up. I've decided to extend this to a permanent goal.


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