
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Take that, grouchy spinner man!

I spun this this morning because the thunderstorm wouldn't let me sleep. It's bumpy and it's slubby and it's uneven and it's MINE and I like it so there.

Na na na boo boo.


  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger Miss13 said…

    Right on lady ! You even plied it with thin cord ! He couldnt do that, darn curmudgeon..I'll bet he cant even knit ;)

  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger knittykat said…

    It's plied with some single I had leftover from the gray yarn I spun with the pencil roving. I wanted to ply it and I thought the contrast looked nice.

  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger nicole said…

    You should send that picture to the guy somehow!
    crabby "ithastobethiswayorelseitswrong!" doofus!

  • At 7:19 AM, Blogger knittykat said…

    I totally want to. I like how the pic is sort of "fiber in your face".

    I do have his address, because he gave me a brochure for his spinners in case I changed my mind.

    Ha ha...."Remember me? You pulled off my spun fiber that looked like Colinette Point 5 and told me to "hide the evidence"? Well look what I spun, WITHOUT your spinner, and I think it looks beautiful and I bet YOU can't make knockoff CP5.

    Pardon my Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, bu your spinners are great.....for me to POOP ON!!!!"

    /evil knitty


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